
Sunday, February 24, 2008

Beady Little eyes

I hear it all the time. Why are you so afraid of those little mice they cant hurt you... {{shudder}}

I just hate them. The small little claws, scampering across your feet when you sit at the table.
The black Beady eyes and the long tail that dragged across everything. They poop and pee whenever they stop and drag it all over the place with that darn tail. YUK. The kids call the little black rice shaped feces "Jungle Rice" (Yes I know how pathetic. How many kids do you know that even have the chance to coin a phrase such as that) But yes it is the Jungle rice that is the biggest indicator of a beady eyed visitor.

I am haunted by them. They stalk me. WHY!! I remember my first encounter at the age of 11. I was out on the porch putting on my white gogo boots for school. When the one boot would not go on. I pulled my foot out of the boot and put my hand in the toe to see what was in there. I felt a pinch. I pulled my hand out and shook the boot upside down and screamed. At the same time a little brown field mouse fell out of my boot and ran away. The mouse had sought refuge from the cat in my boot. This would happen to me over and over throughout my life. With other mice, and even a gerbil or two. I continue to this day to shake out my shoes before I put them on.

One night During my childhood, 1965, My dad, a mighty hunter, member of the NRA was cleaning his gun at the dining room table , my mother sat across from him and listened to a sales pitch from the insurance man. A mouse came out from under the cupboards and ran across the kitchen floor to the cat food dish. Picking up a morsel of cat food and darting back to his safe place. The little guy had no clue my Dad had stopped cleaning his gun, loaded it and waited for the mouse to come back. The insurance man watched in horror as my dad took aim and fired. Splattering mouse parts around the kitchen. Needless to say no insurance papers were signed that night.

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